AuthorPeter Oakes is an experienced anti-financial crime, fintech and board director professional. Archives
January 2025
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Less than a week ago there was no readily accessible and publicly available data (in one spot) for historic figures on the number of money laundering suspicious transaction reports in Ireland. To assist my GRC network which ask me regularly about such data, I put out a few posts on Linkedin, including this one - I received some responses and comments politely querying the accuracy of my figures. In reply I posted the underlying sources, being the Garda (Irish Police) / FIU Ireland and Financial Action task force. At the time, the only available data for 2020 was by journalist Conor Lally, at the Irish Times in his article of 4 May 2021. Jump forward to today (or perhaps it was yesterday as there is no date), the Financial Intelligence Unit in Ireland published the above image and a three (3) page report providing details on STRs Received (2000-2020). If you visit that site and the data does not appear, no problem, I have uploaded the file here. I am glad to see that my data and that of the FIU matches for the years 2000, 2001, 2003 & 2004. For 2002 I have 4,390 v FIU figure of 4,397 and in for 2005 I have 10,735 v FIU figure of 9,698 (hardly material). Still I find this strange as my figures were sourced from Garda & FATF reports at the time. When I published the 2020 figure of 28,865, that was based on the above Irish Times article which was published at least 10 days before the FIU publication which reported 29,631 (2.5% difference - or a rounding error!). Thanks to Steven Meighan for his LinkedIN post yesterday (11 May 2021) and previous engagement on money laundering STRs. A good thing about Linkedin is that it gets people engaged & often leads to great outcomes, like the publishing by the FIU / Garda of such comprehensive data for the first time in one consolidated document and easily accessible. We all now have an agreed historical set of facts and figures, and given it is published by FIU Ireland, it's official data. Other areas of the FIU release which caught my eye are:
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